Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Why this cf sh*t works

So from time to time I see fitness studious around the chicago area promoting Hight intensity training.  So I think to myself and say hopefully they do something awesome, and i don't even think they have to do crossfit stuff. Then I see the vid and bam they claim to do something different that's not really all that different. Its the safe version of High intensity training.  Lets do an hour worth of cardio and mask it as high intensity.  Light weights, running, a person with a microphone, and people not getting strong.  I get that some people like things "easy" and just doing things in your safe zone.  Crossfit is awesome in the fact that it takes you out of that safe zone and make that mental adaptation that is needed to stave off nursing homes and falls later in life.  Your brain cells actually depend on it.  everyday you come in and there is something new, even if its a movement you have done in the past its still combined with another movement you haven't done with a different rep scheme (adaptation).  With strength endless techniques can be used to develop that, motor recruitment skills, angles, force changes, time etc... these are things you don't get with just hitting up the cardio hardcore.

Now do I think that someone from our program handle theirs....unequivocally yes, can they handle ours? probably not.  I am not basing this on the fact that one is more intense than the other but that the way our program is structured they will adapt and overcome because they are use to finding that second gear and pushing beyond what they thought they could, not in a well i'm going to go until I die either.  We get these people from these other studios and have had personal trainers for years and still can't seem to move in the proper fashion and have weak cores, imbalances, tight hips, and the list goes on and on.  Just my opinion i guess.


Saturday, June 30, 2012

prayer vs positive outlook

So I was having an conversation with my also non-believer/backslider heathen stepdad.  I was telling him that having a positive outlook on rehabilitation and recovery (assuming there is a diagnosis that supports that).  I am not saying if you are on life support and having a positive outlook will reverse things.  This is keeping things in perspective, also with a little bit of luck.  By luck I mean someone being 1 inch away from a bullet hitting an artery or not for example.  

lets look at the definition according to wikipedia 
Prayer is an invocation or act that seeks to activate a rapport with a deity or object of worship through deliberate communication. Prayer can be a form of religious practice, may be either individual or communal and take place in public or in private. It may involve the use of words or song. When language is used, prayer may take the form of a hymnincantation, formal creed, or a spontaneous utterance in the praying person. 

check out this infograph from sochurch that states that very few people don't pray or pray very little, so there are tons of people who believe this stuff works.

This is done many different ways within different cultures and for different reasons but I will not get into it here.  I have never  been one to pray or feel that a higher order of power would will his/her or their hand for me or someone else's benefit.  

As a psychology major I believe that certain words and actions can push a person to do things they wouldn't have before.  But a caveat to that is I also think it can be a "placebo " at times depending on the wording.   

"Motivation is a process that elicits, controls, and sustains certain behaviors. Motivation is a group phenomenon that affects the nature of an individual's behavior, the strength of the behavior, and the persistence of the behavior. For instance: An individual has not eaten, he or she feels hungry, and as a response he or she eats and diminishes feelings of hunger. There are many approaches to motivation: physiological, behavioural, cognitive, and social[1]. It is the crucial element in setting and attaining goals—and research shows that subjects can influence their own levels of motivation and self-control[2]. According to various theories, motivation may be rooted in a basic need to minimize physical pain and maximize pleasure, or it may include specific needs such as eating and resting, or a desired object, goal, state of being, ideal, or it may be attributed to less-apparent reasons such as altruismselfishnessmorality, or avoiding mortality. Conceptually, motivation is distinct from volition and optimism.[3] Motivation is related to, but distinct from, emotion."

Is the process of motivation perfect no!!, are the results we do have based on research, theories, science and have been "proven" with a high rate of accuracy in some cases? yes.  I mean we are dealing with humans.  The idea of motivation to came from a book I was reading  called "my stroke of insight"  a story about a neuro scientist stroke complications and her road to recovery.  She noted how mentally the positive reinforcement from her loved ones that she would eventually get better made a huge difference in her 8 year journey.  I also saw a recent story of matt long, a guy who got mauled by a bus and went through alot to get back.  He eventually made the choice not to quit then eventually got back to running Tri's albeit not at his former high level. 

My argument to him was that having a positive attitude involved realistic goals of where you want to be and dealing with the sensory properties that are given to you at that time. Basically making a mind body connection to heal. it is also stated in this article.

A study was conducted on the many factors that might play a role psychologically and sociological aspects of recovery called "Psychological Psychological Response to Injury, Recovery, and Social Support: A Survey of Athletes at an NCAA Division I University (2006)

The difference between motivation vs prayer is that prayer requires some huge chance that something will occur without technically putting in the "work" or feeling like a diety is on your side.  When prayer does not work it is usually said that it is meant to be (gods will), when it work well it works (gods will).  So god in this sense was never really wrong.  

But according to "The thinking atheist" it fails and I am inclined to agree


Thursday, June 28, 2012


Today I had a doctors appointment to get my ankle assessed and walk on it for the first time since april 8th.  for the few peeps who read this blog I had a fracture and dislocation of my right ankle.  Anywho I've been sitting on my ass for like what seems forever and i got a chances to walk with one crutch.  Keep in mind I have plates and screws all lodged on my fib and my tib was dislocated tendons and ligaments confetti cut :(.  So i was forced to walk giving me great pleasure in the amount of pain I had in my deltoid tendon around my medial malleolus (that ball at the end of your foot).  So getting that tendon stretched out will be the toughest task going forward but i think i will make good progress.  

Another part of this is that I was cleared to drive, which I did most of the day...let me tell ya, the awesomeness factor was similar to that bubble boy who got released into normal life.  But I had no issues driving and plan to drive to MN for the mobility cert.....go k-star. 

Eventually I made my way to crossfit roselle for the 7:30pm class looking like someone splashed a permanent fixture of water over my whole body.  I had to hobble and do a handiwodable workout.  I did 

Weighted ring rows 5x5 @ #35 on my chest. 
wod was push up rows with #35 dumbell's 
tire pulls 
knees to elbows

felt really slow.  The interesting part was that I suddenly started to think about my grandmother who passed away and I buried just on monday.  I got sad from time to time and got distracted, oh well apart of the healing process I guess.  

Flowing fragments of thought without regard
Impossible to understand with its uncontrollable
Wave patterns, it comes and goes as it pleases like
An intermittent breeze on the hottest day of the year
Bringing with it relief but only for a fraction of a second.
So impossible to predict but warranted, and met with great elation
But not outwardly expressed.  This seems to be tested daily with
Constant babble, noise, expectations, and prediction of how
The future might unfold.  There are many pieces to put together in order to find
Peace, to many formulas to solve, not enough answers, too many questions.
Where do I go to find this? Yet it feels so elusive like trying to remember a dream
 Hours later, with no return from your mental hard drive.  I cherish these moments because
They come so rarely, which like all things in life, the rare things are the most precious, thusly should
Be grasped like a mountain climber holding on for dear life.


tribute wod to my grandmother Rosie

Born November 8th 1934, died at  77

5 rds
BWT bench press 7 reps
Muscle ups 8
386 meters row

if you try it let me know

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The introverted crossfit coach

As a crossfit coach or trainer in general I would conclude that person would benefit from being extroverted as defined by wikipedia 
"the act, state, or habit of being predominantly concerned with and obtaining gratification from what is outside the self".[3] Extraverts tend to enjoy human interactions and to be enthusiastictalkativeassertive, and gregarious. They take pleasure in activities that involve large social gatherings, such as parties, community activities, public demonstrations, and business or political groups. Politics, teaching, sales, managing and brokering are fields that favor extraversion. An extroverted person is likely to enjoy time spent with people and find less reward in time spent alone. They tend to be energized when around other people, and they are more prone to boredom when they are by themselves.

To a certain extent I guess I play that role of an extroverted person in order to get my point across and demand attention of my athletes for however long I need to. on the opposite end of the spectrum I would classify myself as more of an introvert although most people fall into both categories:
"the state of or tendency toward being wholly or predominantly concerned with and interested in one's own mental life".[3] Some popular writers have characterized introverts as people whose energy tends to expand through reflection and dwindle during interaction.[4] This is similar to Jung's view, although he focused on psychic energy rather than physical energy. Few modern conceptions make this distinction.
The common modern perception is that introverts tend to be more reserved and less outspoken in groups. They often take pleasure in solitary activities such as reading, writing, using computers, hiking and fishing

As you can tell by the title I would consider myself more in the lines of an introvert.  I kinda have more fun sharing ideas and theorizing about strength, fitness, nutrition rather than small talk or going to parties etc...its an awesome feeling finding out things especially from others.  us introspective types are focused like a laser once we find something we are interested in which can make us half way decent at what we are good at. So when it comes to reading, analyzing, sharing theories I am strong there but at times the extroverted part of teaching, social outings, selling myself can be rough. But I have realized that I won't completely turn this around although I can learn to play this role in small portions.  

Ironically enough even though coaching is really tiring at times it is great.  Its one of the few places where I feel comfortable socializing because it is tied to something I study immensely.  If I was teaching a class on tailgating, I wouldn't have crap to say.I am not saying I have made myself an expert because I do not believe there is such a thing (I will comment on that in another post).  Admittedly I want to be a go to guy for information which i have not reached that point yet but continue to strive for it although I may never reach it, the idea is fun.  

A few strategies that help me stay energized:
  1. I try to get to the box early when it is empty to help me get use to the space.
  2. keep the conversations short but positive :)
  3. only raise my voice if i need to.
  4. outline or do prep work before you teach the class, its easier to teach if you are comfortable with the course material. 
  5. Work my extroversion side in spurts. 
  6. maybe if possible don't teach multiple classes. 
  7. Build rapport on facebook with your athletes. 
  8. You don't have to be the "rah rah" coach carry a quit confidence and people will see through that. 
  9. tell some jokes but work it into the frame of teaching. 
  10. Don't waste energy worrying about being introverted in the first place, play your cards.

bottled up

A closed bottle does not release the contents inside
I cannot taste the refreshing liquid
untwist that cap of air
uncork life, pour unto another.

The Black metal enthusiast..not talkin' about corpse paint

Let me start off by saying that I am a huge metal fan and not that pseudo heavy stuff with teens in skinny jeans with tattoos, and swooped hair.  I am an African American who started off listening to hip-hop and continue to do so.  Well Sometime in college I decided to give metal a try when i constantly saw a classmate of mine wear band shirts most notably being killswitch engage.  Mind you this is my first introduction into this type of music which I must admit was put off because some of the sub-genres penchant for gore, satan, and violence.  So i had a little research to do in what the heck i was listening to, what sound I liked, the lyrics, vocals (hardest part for people to accept).  I found out i like the band and even saw they had melodic parts along with their harshness, and the subject matter was just as regular and normal as anything else.

Research Phase 
I look at music in a few ways, do i like it or do i not and does it relate to my feelings and my life.  I found myself visiting every myspace page i could find and writing down band names that I was curious about, which let me tell you was quite annoying.  This was a  confusing process because there are a ton of different "cores" which i won't even list here.  But I eventually developed a liking to technical death metal, metalcore, stuff mixed with hardcore, forms of black metal, doom, grind, progressive etc...  My favorite band is meshuggah :).  I started to read blogs, reviews, interviews to get a greater sense of where these musicians were coming from.   It turned out some of these dudes were quite smart, but just decided to make music that reflected their subject matter in a non happy go lucky way.  I was always a thinker introspective type of guy and and honestly hip-hop didn't touch that heart string for me.  Metal brings the heat with musicianship combined with aggressiveness(not all ways) which is the opposite of  my even keeled temperament/personality. 

An observation 
As i looked at bands I appreciated the deep and thoughtful lyrics about depression, politics, literature, philosophy, atheism etc.  Although some bands will not be as thought provoking but i tend to gravitate towards the subject matters above.  Aside from connecting with what i stated above I couldn't help but notice that it seemed to be predominantly dominated by white guys, I am fine with this by the way, it is just something i noticed.  Over the years more and more whites have gravitated towards rap even in the late 80's early 90's.  But I have not seen this to the same extent from the black community over to metal. I know there are the jimi hendricks of the world, living color, motown era rock n roll, blues.  There are bands such as bad brains, fishbone as well that are awesome.  On the heavier side of things sepultura's vocalist is black, suffocation (death metal band) had two black band mates for a long time, Black Death which i just found out about while writing this :), blasphemy, oceano.  A couple of these bands are cool some are lame as I will always keep to the criteria above and not based on race.  
Now knowing these bands exist does make me feel slightly more connected to the genre.  

A good pair 
In the impoverished neighborhoods that I grew up in rap was prevalent, from gangster, to thought provoking conscious rap that asked its listeners to step up their thinking and knowledge, ostentatious formulas that is more prevalent today.  But once you dig deeper into the hardships of living in dilapidated areas of poverty, violence, fear, and eroded hope.  I am surprised this connection hasn't been more widely expressed, not withstanding i could be missing something with the thousands of bands out there.  Styles like Doom metal would definitely be a form of metal that could display desperation of unemployment.  death metal/black/hardcore-punk/grind could represent gang violence.  These would work as possible concept albums but in general coming from these areas a greater sense of rebellious harsh music that is metal should be a breeding ground in the african american community.  Maybe this is an exposure problem or the worry that their peers will not accept it.  or maybe they want to make it but there is no infrastructure to facilitate instrument usage.  Let me make this clear, I am not asking for all black bands although that would be cool, but just more of them opening up to the possibility of listening to it or playing it and showing up to shows.